Saturday, January 14, 2012

 So what's in my pantry?! Well i'll show you. 
        Lately, we have been getting better at grocery shopping! 
Haven't fully started couponing-- but will be soon! 
We shop at the Commissary, which is great. 

Before we go grocery shopping, we make a list of dinners 
and the recipe for it. So that we don't go there not knowing 
what to buy. Then we won't buy random junk we don't need. 

Here is the dinner list we have right now is... 
( not in order)

- Pizza Quesadilla 
-Stuffed shells
-Chicken Parm

So yeah. That is our dinner list for the upcoming week!
I'm getting more & more dinner ideas everyday.
I'm very excited to learn more recipes. :)
Bunch of stuff.. such as: 
soups, mac & cheese, pasta, pasta sauces, & snacks!


Yummy foods.. such as:
Orange juice, milk, turkey & cheese cold cuts & others!
Yummy snacks in the freezer is a must!
Movie night snacks!!

So that's it. Hope I didn't make ya too hungry. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012


Trying to create a somewhat organized house. 
Number one project is the Kitchen. 
This is what it looks like SO FAR. :)
Front the of the Fridge.
Bottom of the sink.
Coffee Area
Microwave area.
Toaster area.
Dinner for the week board.
Half of the stove and the side area.

So that's my kitchen so far! 

We're slowly getting everything we need! 
Next (kitchen) project is creating a recipe blinder! Very excited!

See ya next time. 

Hey there!!

This is my blog about random things! The random things can and probably will be about:
-My life
-My husband & dog
-Photographs of anything & everything
-and just completely random things that interest me

So i'll tell you little about myself! 

 I'm Michelle! 
I'm 22 years old. Born on February 24, 1989. 
Born and raised in Jersey.
Married my best friend on February 25, 2011.
My husband is currently serving in the U.S Army.
I have a cute puppy named Sam.
Life is great. :)

-Anything else you want to know? ask.

~Follow me: @michellecandela